Changes to the booking window
The current national average car driving test waiting time is 150 weeks This has increased slightly because we needed to reschedule a significant number of driving tests on 19 September...
The current national average car driving test waiting time is 150 weeks This has increased slightly because we needed to reschedule a significant number of driving tests on 19 September...
As we set out on 21 October we’ve been working with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and are assessing our individual centres to see how some waiting rooms could be made safely...
Driving test booking service update We told you on Wednesday 26 August that the online driving test booking service was closed and would reopen as soon as possible The service will stay...
Yesterday (20 August 2020) we let you know we would be opening the driving test booking service and online business service (OBS) so that everyone in England and Wales could book a...
From tomorrow (Friday 21 August), we will be reopening the online booking service from 8am for everyone This means anyone will be able to book a driving test in England and Wales Test...
social distancing for theory tests in England From today (3 August) we will be introducing at least one metre social distancing measures at theory test centres in England This is...
social distancing for theory tests in England From today (3 August) we will be introducing at least one metre social distancing measures at theory test centres in England This is...
Changes to the car theory test From 14 April 2020, we’ll be updating part of the car theory test to make it more realistic and improve the accessibility for all candidatesVideo clip...
That could be because of not checking your mirrors in good time! For example, just before approaching junctions / Roundabouts/ You either do mirror checks too early or too...