Slough, Langley, Surrounding


How to approach roundabouts

Navigating roundabouts can be a daunting task for many drivers, especially those who are unfamiliar with them. However, understanding the rules and practicing safe driving techniques can make the process much smoother and safer. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of approaching and navigating roundabouts with confidence.

What is a Roundabout?

A roundabout is a circular intersection where drivers travel counterclockwise around a central island. They are designed to improve traffic flow and reduce the likelihood of serious accidents compared to traditional intersections. Roundabouts typically have yield signs at all entrances, giving priority to vehicles already in the circle.

Steps to Approach and Navigate a Roundabout

  1. Slow Down and Observe Signs As you approach a roundabout, reduce your speed. Look for road signs and pavement markings that provide information about the roundabout’s layout and the lanes you need to be in for your intended exit.
  2. Choose the Correct Lane Before entering the roundabout, select the appropriate lane for your destination. Generally:
    • Use the right lane if you are taking the first exit.
    • Use the left lane for the second exit or making a U-turn.
    • Use either lane if you are going straight through (depending on lane markings).
  3. Yield to Traffic in the Roundabout Always yield to traffic already circulating in the roundabout. Check for pedestrians and cyclists at the crosswalks and yield to them as well. Look to your left and wait for a safe gap in the traffic before entering.
  4. Enter the Roundabout Once it is safe to do so, enter the roundabout. Keep to your chosen lane and do not stop or change lanes within the roundabout. Drive at a consistent, slow speed.
  5. Navigate to Your Exit Follow the roundabout to your exit. Use your turn signal to indicate your intention to exit. If you miss your exit, continue around the roundabout until you come back to it again.
  6. Exit the Roundabout As you approach your exit, check for pedestrians and cyclists. Use your turn signal and exit the roundabout smoothly. Make sure to maintain a slow speed as you leave the roundabout and merge with any traffic on the exit road.

Tips for Safe Roundabout Driving

  • Stay Calm: Approach roundabouts with a calm and composed mindset. Rushed decisions can lead to mistakes.
  • Do Not Overtake: Avoid overtaking other vehicles within the roundabout.
  • Watch for Large Vehicles: Give extra space to large vehicles like trucks and buses as they may need more room to navigate.
  • Stay in Your Lane: Do not change lanes while in the roundabout. Stick to your lane and follow it to your exit.


Roundabouts are designed to improve traffic flow and enhance safety at intersections. By understanding the rules and practicing these steps, you can navigate roundabouts confidently and safely. Remember to slow down, yield to traffic, and use your signals appropriately. With time and experience, driving through roundabouts will become a routine part of your driving skills.

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